Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Last Day in this Project #28082015


Today is my last day on this's been 4 yrs 5 months working's quite wonderful journey working here in this beautiful place with the great team and friends.. It;s kind of mix feeling to leave this place..feeling sad because i have to say good bye to some peoples that i'm not sure when & where i can meet them again.. and also i can't see my CRUSH anymore!!!..hahaha..cuci mata laaaa..x dpt daa.. :( (...Happy because i'll start new chapter of my life working in the new environment..4 yrs is quite long tho..cukup cukup sudah..

Gonna miss u gegirls..
Ni la terowong masa masuk/keluar keja..

It's him..Our GM Sheng..if only u knw him..i never seen him so cooool before..the only thing i knw i need to cc him in daily customer report mail.. haha..
This is my team..tier 2 bhaiyas..hehehe
My other team..Tier 1 (Openet/Mediation) Team

Dia nak balik india daa..
With Nurul

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Anime review : Samurai Champloo

A young woman named Fuu is working as a waitress in a tea shop when she is abused by a band of samurai. She is saved by a mysterious rogue named Mugen and a young ronin named Jin. Mugen attacks Jin after he proves to be a worthy opponent and they begin fighting one another and inadvertently cause the death of Shibui Tomonoshina, themagistrate's son. For this crime, they are to be executed. But with some help from Fuu, they escape and Fuu asks them to travel with her to find "the samurai who smells of sunflowers." --Wikipedia

Jin, Mugen, Fuu
So mmg rekomen la citer ni..Watak diorg ber3 ni mmg kelakar la..Jalan cerita yg menarik setiap episod..berbanding Jin ngn Mugen, aku lg suka watak  Mugen. Even dia agk kasar , kaki perempuan n suka cari pasal tapi dia sebenarnya baikk n ambik berat tp dia x tunjuk sgt & dia kelakar..Masa silam dia agk menyedihkn jugak so thts y karakter dia camtu.. it has been a long time since he can remember what it is like to have parents..kesian.. Jin plak watak dia seorg yg serius & x byk ckp..dia bunuh master dia..sbb apa kena la tgk..Fuu plak yg duk selamtkn Mugen & Jin so sbg balasan dia nk diorg carikan  "Samurai who smells of Sunflowers. But she never explains what a sunflower smells like or what the man looks like. Mugen and Jin are often reminded of their life-debt to her when they wish to fight each other, much to their chagrin. 'Samurai who smells of Sunflower' to actually ayah dia yg tingglkn dia ms kecik lg ngn mak dia for unknown reason.

Even though diorg be3 ni slalu gaduh tp ekceli diorg caring to each other..they will protect to each other as they hv gone thru together..aisehh..just hope diorg ber3 tak berpisah till the end..

serius ckp, the most touching scene dlm anime ni ms ep 14 pasal masa silam Mugen. Lagu background pn sedih kott..aku siap donlot lagi..dgr je nangis..yg tu tipu..kalu yg x tgk citer tu mmg xtau la mmg x lyn la lagu tu..aku pasang kat keta aku, kwn aku siap ty tu lagu apaa..cara tanya mcm nk suh tukar lagu lain ja..yalah da mcm lagu  jepun yg klasik...mmg dia x layan laa..

As one can tell from the music, it is a song of sadness, povert & longing..mendayu2 gitu

So sape yg layan anime/manga yg x tgk lg sila la tgk citer ni..mmg LAYANN

Their character

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

It's about consistency

it's about consistency

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What goes around comes around

There is someone once have said below lines to me when she doesn't have the right to said so... So i pray that one day she will get hurt as much i did..more is better..a thousand more..i really that day will come to her..i dont knw y such person shud exist..

i really want to slap on her face!

Sometimes u have to walk away and let karma take over.
Those who hurt u eventually screw up themselves and if are lucky, God will let u watch.